Bayou Region

Nicholls Homecoming Tailgate

Posted 5 months ago by Tommie Landry

Bayou Region Members,

I wanted to invite you to the Nicholls Homecoming Tailgate on Saturday 10/26.  I have purchased 2 spots in the tailgating area.  The game starts at 3pm, so tailgating from around 10am until game time.  Bring your family.  Stay awhile.  Come and go.  If you are interested in tailgating, then please shoot me an email at to let me know you are coming, how many you are bringing, and what you are willing to bring as far as food/snacks/drinks.  I'm not sure yet what I'll be cooking but I'll let you know as you contact me and I figure that out.  I'm looking for another 10x10 popup tent to use and maybe another folding table as well.  Also, bring your own chairs.  I guess that's it for now, I'll give you any updates as you reach out to me.  Really excited to invite you to come celebrate Nicholls Homecoming and just network and have a good time!